Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Bachelorette

I must say, I'm happy that my dating life has finally taken flight after a year of blah. It's exciting, fun and fresh. I get special dates, cute glances, hand holds and all that cute stuff. The only problem is that I feel guilty sharing those things with more than one person. Call it what you want, but I feel bad after having a date and smooches with guy and then doing the same with another guy two days later and then texting another after I leave that date. I have no idea how the people on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette can manage. In my rawest, truest form, I'm a sweetheart and a softy. And I can't do that to someone or myself. It's probably not the smartest idea to throw all my eggs in one basket and just focus on one guy at a time, but I think that's what will work best for me.

The tough part now is to go from a few suitors down to one. I have to have a couple uncomfortable conversations to let some know it's not going any further. I don't want to lead anyone on so I definitely need to do this sooner rather than later. Tonight I'll start with one. The main driving factor behind my feelings is that one guy definitely stands out from the pack. He takes me on awesome dates, is easygoing, he's manly, and most of all he loves the Lord. One day I was telling him about some issues I was having with a person who I felt like was taking advantage of my kindness, and he said, "Don't worry. Keep being yourself. God sees what you're doing and you'll be blessed because of it." Smarts are impressive, a great job is impressive, but a man who can connect with me and guide me on a spiritual level is the most impressive. I don't know exactly where I'm headed with this guy but he's not like anyone else I've met in awhile. I know he's looking for a committed relationship, and I asked him to give me time (at least a couple of months) to get to know him better. He's cool with that and I was glad to see he would be patient.

The only perks I'll miss of being The Bachelorette is being treated like a princess. I was definitely getting spoiled lol. I may revisit that dating lifestyle in the future, but for right now, I'll take things one guy at time.

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